Will there be an annual donor list published?  

Yes, though donors will need to “opt in” to be named in any donor lists.

Are Dues mandatory to be part of The Rowing Association?

You are a part of The Rowing Association by being a Parent, Friend or Alum of Stanford Rowing.

How will funds be used?  

Funds will be used to Operate the primary functions of The Rowing Association. Communications, Events, and Development as well as other administrative expenses.

Will The Rowing Association do fundraising other than Membership?

Yes, The Rowing Association will continue to fundraise in collaboration with Stanford to Secure and Strengthen Stanford Rowing.  Your help here has made a tremendous difference already!  Thank you!

The Rowing Association may also periodically lead a fundraise to drive an incremental opportunity for a team(example: racing at Henley).

How Do I Join?

Annual dues can be processed through Donor Box