Stanford Men VS Santa Clara

Stanford Men opened the season with six wins over Santa Clara at Redwood Shores. Calm conditions early, shifting to a light (4-6mph) tailwind midway through the schedule. V8 and 2V raced first and then the boats broke down into coxed fours and raced again. Order of racing: 1V, 2V, 1V4, 2V4, 3V4, 4V4.

With calm conditions on the 2000m course, the varsity eight easily topped the Broncos, coming in with a time of 5:48.80. Stanford then raced its second varsity eight that topped Santa Clara's boat by 18 seconds.

The same athletes returned to the waters in coxed fours to race again. Conditions shifted to a light tailwind after the 1st V4 race. Each of the Cardinal's four boats recorded faster times than the Broncos, led by more than a 30-second margin between Stanford and Santa Clara's 2V4+ boats.

"Overall it was a really good morning of racing for the guys and a great way to cap off our spring break week, I thought both of the eights raced well, and established a good baseline for us to build off of as we get further into the season. I was particularly happy with the way our second varsity eight raced, as their time reflects the closest margin they've had to our first varsity eight all year. They've made a lot of progress over the last week, so it was great to see them bring that into the racing today." Head Coach, Ted Sobolewski. 

Stanford 5:48.8
Santa Clara 6:07.4

Stanford 5:57.1
Santa Clara 6:15.1

Stanford 6:36.9
Santa Clara 6:57.6

Stanford 6:24.3
Santa Clara 6:54.5

Stanford 6:40.3
Santa Clara 6:46.8

Stanford 6:43.4
Santa Clara 6:46.6

Coxswain: Elysia Smyers
8: Flynn Traeger
7: Ben Felter
6: Peter Chatain
5: James Wright
4: Henry Stewart
3: Travis Senf
2: Tyler Baumann
1: Nick Mayhew

Coxswain: Valeria Gonzalez
8: Scott Buzard
7: Jacopo Mascitelli
6: Nick Woehrle
5: Alec Walter
4: Joey O'Brien
3: James Fetter
2: Tibor Thompson
1: Paul Gorka

Coxswain: Elysia Smyers
4: Flynn Traeger
3: Ben Felter
2: James Wright
1: Tyler Baumann

Coxswain: Noah Tan
4: Henry Stewart
3: Nick Mayhew
2: Peter Chatain
1: Travis Senf

Coxswain: Valeria Gonzalez
4: Jacopo Mascitelli
3: Nick Woehrle
2: James Fetter
1: Tibor Thompson

Coxswain: Logan Morley
4: Scott Buzard
3: Alec Walter
2: Joey O'Brien
1: Paul Gorka


Stanford Women VS Oregon State


San Diego Crew Classic